Dependability you can trust to manage your construction project
Clearly defined roles and a custom tool fitted to how your team works best will help improve delivery time, effectiveness and relationships.

1 Reliability - Provide Correct information for Decision-making
2 Quality - Improve Effectiveness with Time
3 Speed - Analyze and Consolidate on any Data Immediately
4 Powerful - Sort and Select from the Database at any Time
5 Economic - Maximize Technology and Minimize Manpower
6 Transparent - Integrate Graphics, Codes + Percentages fro KPIs
7 User Orientated - Filter only the Information Required with a Decimal Logic
8 Customer Adaptability - Interface with Other Information Systems
9 Simple Logical Relationships - Develop Detail from the General to the Specific

1 Minimum Variables: Standardized Parameters
2 BIM+GIS Construction Products + Scheduling
3 Forms of Contract: FIDIC, Bespoke
4 Intelligent Work Breakdown Structure
5 Organizational Flexibility: Employer, Contractor
6 Departmental Consistency: Tech. + Commercial
7 Reporting Consistency: Plan vs Actual
8 Interdisciplinary: Ops, Civils, M&E, Comms
9 Deliverables: Phase, Discipline, Trade
10 Relate Initial Design to Final Account
11 Organizational Effectiveness + Efficiency
12 Short + Long Term Productivity Analysis
13 Resource – Expense Analysis: Cost Effectiveness
14 Earned Value Analysis: Income vs Productivity
15 Control of Current, Potential Risks + Liabilities
16 Effective Control: Common Elements
17 Optimization of Solutions: Methods of Construction
18 Variable Ground Conditions: GBR vs Methods
1 Minimum Variables - Reduces the Volume of Information in Circulation by Standardizing Information Content
2 BIM+GIS Construction Products – Provides a Single Input Point for Repetitive Information for Re-use by All Parties
3 Forms of Contract - Links to All FIDIC Forms of EPC, D&B, DBO Types of Contract + Individual Sub-Clauses
4 Intelligent Work Breakdown Structure - Cross-relates Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Supervision + Maintenance
5 Organizational Flexibility - Consolidates any Information on any Selected Set of Criteria defined by the User or Default Mode
6 Departmental Consistency – Provides the Basis for Comparing Information and Results from or with Other Sources
7 Reporting Consistency - Uses Common Codes for All Issues throughout the Complete System
8 Interdisciplinary – Applicable to All Types of Engineering Projects Operational, Geotechnical, Civil, M&E, Telecoms
9 Deliverables – Provides Common Elements for All Technical + Commercial Analyses e.g. Phases, Disciplines or Trades
10 Relate Initial Design to Final Account - Links Design and Construction Decisions to Final Consequences
11 Organizational Effectiveness + Efficiency - Analyzes Overheads and Inefficiencies via Alternative Comparisons
12 Short + Long Term Productivity Analysis - Analyzes Productivity on any Criteria based on the Actual Status of Input
13 Resource – Expense Analysis - Relates Information gathered to Physical Situations at Site or within the Supply Chain
14 Earned Value Analysis - Relates Work in Progress to Cost to Date
15 Control of Current, Potential Risks + Liabilities - Provides Clear Relationships between different Decisions
16 Effective Control – Provides Real Time Artificial Intelligence
17 Optimization of Solutions – Provides Analyses in the Preparation of Alternative Designs or Methods of Construction
18 Variable Ground Conditions – Provides detail interface links for the Optimization of Time + Cost Effective Proposals
The framework for the development of the database:
X Y Z represents the physical dimensional parameters
X0 Y0 Z0 represents the Geodetic Datum Northings, Eastings and Altitude Coordinates
X1 Y1 Z1 represents the Project Alignment Chainage, Profile Width and Height respectively
G represents the geographical parameters within the local geophysical environment e.g. road, railway, building
H represents the hydro-geotechnical parameters such as specified in the Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR)
M represents the various potential methods of construction for the corresponding works and environment

Managing complex civil engineering projects requires attention to detail.
Controlling the production and outcome is about analyzing trends and outcomes
Matrics provides the tools to keep your project on track by linking the requisite information to the outcome of the project whilst at the same time collecting the data which affects the outcome.