The Matrics System
Some things to know about us
Matrics is an acronym for the Management of Activities, Time and Resources for International Construction Solutions and was developed from the review of numerous construction project information systems in operation across a wide range of projects and locations. The results of the review showed that there was a lack of coordination between information systems across the industry due in part to limited cooperation and standardization within many of the organizations.
During the last decades there has been considerable development in the field of international construction requiring companies to operate across national borders and particularly in underground construction. However the development of Management Information Systems (MIS) has not been able to match the power of the Internet and its global attributes.
Matrics provides an integrated approach which links all the requisite information systems such as the information structure of contract conditions, technical specifications, activity coding, estimating and accounts as well as document management systems into a common code ICS “Integrated Coding System." This can be directly utilized in modern BIM (Building Information Management) systems providing a seamless link from initial to final design as well as developing contract documents and final accounts.

Matrics assists in providing the link between different reports and tables developed during the design and construction process. This enables the information to be re-used without re-working saving considerable amounts of time and money in capturing information. Once in the system, the information can be edited to match various options available and exported to other software systems using the highly structured but flexible Matrics Approach.
The Matrics Code Structures have been tried and tested on many different types of project to validate the feasibility and acceptance by different parties. It provides a direct link between the numerous formats required to analyze the project from different aspects such as environmental acceptance, planning information, risk assessments, method statements, scheduling and not least cost optimization and job site work planning. In fact it can be directly linked and automated to the Contract and preparation of administrative reports in support of interim payments and claims.

The advantage of the system is that all specific information can be related to a common set of data classification codes which enables the user to correlate changes in situations e.g. “actual” versus “planned” extremely quickly with the support of modern software systems. The concept is supported by simple to use graphics and can be expanded and consolidated as and when the User determines the need. This enables cross references between say conditions of contract and specifications, estimates with accounts, progress with planned programmes etc., or any combination thereof, to be sorted automatically.
The advantage becomes obvious when planning major infrastructure projects and there is a necessity to develop information and cost models based on the experience of similar projects from other locations where some of the criteria are the same however many are different due to the “local” nature of construction projects which are very dependent on geological and geographical information.
The system has been tried, tested and continuously improved over the course of the last 35 years on a wide range of projects in over 20 different countries for the entire range of project management services from the investors and employer’s to the site manager and contractor’s point of view. It has also been used in more than four European languages and can be employed irrespective of local culture and language as the concept is based on a common construction logic.
Matrics Consult works together with a team of like minded Partners in Europe, Asia and Africa and can count on the experience of its highly trained personnel and modern IT facilities.
Matrics Consult also continues to provide supporting lectures to an international audience of civil engineering project managers in a variety of countries at recognised institutions and universities. Training Courses > >
Professor Martin Smith is an active member of the International Tunnelling Association and vice-animateur of Working Group 3 International Contractual Practices. He is also lead author and member of the New International Conditions of Contracts Committee for Underground Works who are presently preparing the initial drafts for public review in the near future as part of Task Group 10 FIDIC_ITA joint task force.

Close cooperation with the following international organizations

Interlink with As-built Information From Other Information Systems